Saturday, January 23, 2010

Back Blogging again!

As some of you might have noticed, I have taken a long break from my food blogging activity. I had a busy period with moving to a new flat + renovation + work... and I had to take a break because of all that. Blogging is like going to the gym, you have to keep it going... you stop for a month, and it will take another few before you get the strength to start it all over again.

It has been about 7 months since my last post, and quite a bit has changed in the Singapore food scene since then. From my perspective, unfortunately, for the worse. I have seen quite a few good restaurants failing and shutting down. Some of the good lunch and brunch offers have either doubled in price or disappeared... In my view life for the restoration business has become tougher in Singapore, especially for those who want to deliver something special.

If you want to open a restaurant and you want to succeed, you are more likely to do so by selling burgers and fries or sausage, egg and beans Italian food that goes beyond your average carbonara or lasagne.

Clearly, we haven't yet reached the critical mass that can appreciate authentic or innovative food. It's extremely sad to see less than mediocre cooking succeeding, while genuine efforts to create something special don't seem to be rewarded. I would have plenty of examples for this, but I don't want to quote specifics. Just look around...
If mediocrity is all we are going to encourage, that's all we are going to get, it's going to grow around us...

Going forward, I will continue to post both restaurant reviews and recipes. I decided to slightly change the format of my reviews, which will be less verbose and focused on the details of every single dish, in favor of a more direct recommendation about the overall experience.

Happy reading!


Singapore said...

Welcome back! Enjoy reading your blog and agree that most new places that have opened are disappointing or over-priced.

Standard fare abounds everywhere...if i see one more molten lava cake, creme brulee,tiramisu on a dessert menu....

yixiaooo said...

glad you are blogging again. it's great to have someone esle who doesn't play by herd mentality.

amiscell said...

eimyllin: That's so true!! But unfortunately, that's what the mass wants :(

yixiaoo: Thanks, that's a great compliment!

ratatouille said...

great to have you back. I have been missing your italian recipes. cheers!

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